Panchakarma Treatments

SL No. Name Description Benefits / Indications
1 Vamanam Medically induced vomiting for cleaning the upper respiratory and digestive tracts Effective in Kapha rogas ,skin diseases ,asthma etc.
2 Virechanam Medically induced purgation for cleaning the lower digestive tract and liver For pita rogas ,indicated in chronic rheumatic problems, skin conditions, obesity, digestive disorders, anxiety etc
3 Snehavasthy Enema with oil Beneficial in sciatica, chronic nervous disorders, anorectal diseases, genito urinary conditions etc.
4 Kashayavasthy Enema using a combination of decoction, medicated oil, herbal paste, honey and rock salt Low back pain, gynecological conditions, rheumatic problems, intervertebral disc conditions etc
5 Nasyam Administration of medicines through the nose in the form of drops or powders Indicated in headaches, sinusitis, depression, radiating pain of neck & shoulders, eye diseases etc